WORLD OF RADIO #1230, produced May 12, 2004 by Glenn Hauser *Standard disclaimer *My monthly Spanish DX report Mundo Radial is now available via and also on WWCR 15825, thrice weekly, Fri 2115, Tue 2130, Wed 2100; also serialized on Radio Nederland`s Radio Enlace, Fridays, repeated Sundays *BBCWS wrapping up Letter from America with tribute to Alistair Cooke May 14-15; may be same show aired upon his death, split into two parts at LFA times, such as Euro stream, Sats May 15 & 22 at 0330, 1030, Letter to Alistair; still some more LFAs on BBC Radio 4 *Write On will give way to a new BBCWS letters program from Mayend, with presenters from non-Western world, such as Ghana *World Music Radio, Denmark, finally on the air testing from May 9, 500 watts on 15810, first heard by Jari Savolainen, Finland at 1405; next to test 10 kW on 5815, and formal inauguration in a few weeks. Transmitter near Karup, western Denmark; e-mail wmr @ or P O Box 112, DK-8900 Randers, Denmark *News in Latin from Radiophonia Finnica Generalis, Sundays 1555 on 15400 to North America; several repeats to Europe on SW and MW; UT Mon 0855 to Australia and Asia 17660; other days of week at same times, special simplified Finnish at slow speed *Latvia`s 100 kW on 9290, Sunday May 16 at 1100-1500 with Radio Marabu *Journalists` union in Slovakia calls for Radio Slovakia International SW service to continue after July 1; needs 75 megakronor or 1.9 megaeuros to continue; Foreign Affairs Ministry budget might cover it, to promote Slovakia abroad *Czech state almost certain to prolong rent contract for RFE/RL to stay in present Prague building despite terrorist danger; has not been able to find another one yet *Czech commies call for law requiring announcers to speak pure, grammatically correct Czech, but Lower House MPs vote it down *Paris Live Radio is new English station in France, not yet with a transmitter, but hopes to get FM license. Not banned, surprisingly, but must play 40% French music. *Voice of Greece, English at 1830 fair to good in eastern North America daily on 12105, direct, not a relay; also mailbag in Greek, M-F 1200-1230 on 15650 *Croatian Radio plans to add DRM, French, German, and more good Croatian music *One RFE broadcast in Serbo-Croat is relayed from Botswana, until 1800 on 15245; closer sites may be fully occupied at that hour *World Christian Broadcasting, KNLS, expects to get 42 ha of free land in Madagascar to build SW station *Kenya`s radio wars -- rivalry between Kiss FM and Radio Citizen has escalated to jamming; full story in DXLD 4-079... *At our website In the midst of WOR 1230, woradio at or P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702, USA *Thanks this week to Dave White who provides web space for most of our audiovisual files *World Bank reports plans for Yibekal, ``That`s Enough`` in Amharic, a station or service from or to Ethiopia about HIV/AIDS *Radio Saint Helena is finally sending out QSLs for its final broadcast in October 1999; DSWCI member Robert Kipp has been helping. Now caught up with cards in mail, but can still QSL reports from 1999 and 1998, perhaps 1997, but not 1996 or earlier *R. Nacional del Paraguay, 9736.9, may not be heard in evening, but check for sign-on around 0800 *Two Bolivians reactivated: R. Ballivian, 4788, and R. Integracion, El Alto on 5986v *Peru on 6956.89, La Voz del Campesino, usually off by 0300, but May 9 running past 0600 *R. Frecuencia, San Ignacio, Peru, at 0140 on 5699.76, reactivated after two years, and plans to stay on; mostly nonstop Peruvian music *V. of Guyana, missing from 3291v for a few days as of May 7 *R. Apintie, Suriname, no signs of life for a few weeks on 4989.99 *R. Nacional, Venezuela, SW schedule shown on website, but with confusing local times in target area (some wrong, ignoring DST); so believed now really to be: 1900 on 13740, 2000 on 9550, 15230, 17705; 2100 on 6000, 11875; 2300 on 9820, 11760, but the last two may be 5 minutes apart. These are relays via Cuba, but not admittedly so *Renewed plans to broadcast Radio Marti to Cuba via C-130 Commando Solo type aircraft, TV too; $18 million allocated for this; recommended in a 500-page report to the White House May 6; naturally, Cuban government objects, yadda3 *Professor of History at U. of Michigan denounces replacement of VOA Arabic Service with Radio Sawa: *Yet another surrogate service [for Pakistan], Radio Aap ki Dunya, officially started May 10, ex-VOA Urdu; full SW schedule, and now also on 972 MW via Orzu, Tajikistan, at 1400-0200 *WJIE, Kentucky, again heard on both 13595 and 7490, good on 13595 *WJIE has sold KVOH in California to the Restoration church in southern California; so what became of the third former FEBA transmitter WJIE obtained, originally destined for KVOH? *R. Kiribati says it will soon resume SW on 9825, targetting the Line Islands; had been off for years. Previously heard as early as 0530 in North America, and frequency clear at 0700-0800 now; had also used 9810 or 9815 *More on Coalition maritime SW broadcasts on 15500-USB; heard at 1730, ID sounds like Radio Ma`ulumat, just like the previous Information Radio service the US carried out for Afghanistan, Iraq; audio clip at Or Radio Maulumati, as the ID differs slightly depending on language. mail @ *Kol Israel source says Reka network to be reorganized by mid-May or first of June at latest; He network for SW with French at 0345 and 1700 *Gloria Lalumia`s website leading to leftish talkshows, not just Air America: *Ralph Brandi disillusioned with Digital Radio Mondiale; signal has to be so strong that you could just as easily listen in AM; and DRM signals are huge bandwidth hogs, bad citizens versus AM signals *Outgoing president of National Association of SW Broadcasters, Jeff White becomes chairman of the USA DRM Group; new president of NASB is Doug Garlinger, formerly with LeSEA *Propagation outlook from Boulder, May 11: flux range 100-85 *And that concludes WOR 1230; until next week, and beyond, me? I`m Glenn Hauser ###